
Hier finden Sie wissenschaftliche Publikationen von unseren Kollegen aus dem Haus

Klinikleitfaden Labordiagnostik, 8. Auflage

Böhm, Bernhard Otto (Herausgeber),Niederau, Christoph M. (Herausgeber), 06/2024, Beitrag von D. Plonné: Lipoproteinstoffwechsel

HDL cholesterol efflux capacity and cholesterol loading capacity in long-term fasting: Evidence from a prospective, single-arm interventional study in healthy individuals

Grundler, F., Palumbo, M., Adorni, M. P., Zimetti, F., Papotti, B., Plonné, D., Holley, A., Mesnage, R., Ruscica, M., & Wilhelmi de Toledo, F. (2024)

Atherosclerosis, 397, 118548.

Evaluation of a Treponema IgG ELISA alone and in combination with an IgM ELISA as substitutes for Treponema pallidum particle agglutination (TPPA) as confirmatory tests in a two-tier diagnostic algorithm for diagnosis of syphilis infection

Wellinghausen N., Rangel Vivar TE., Plonné D. (2024)

J Lab Med 48 (2),

Comparison of Treponema-specific immunoglobulin G (IgG) index with Treponema pallidum particle agglutination (TPPA) index for detection of intrathecal Treponema-specific antibody synthesis for serological diagnosis of neurosyphilis

Wellinghausen N., Götz A., Rangel Vivar TE. (2023)

GMS ID, 11: doi: 10.3205/id000081

Jenseits von Gut und Böse

Plonné, D. (2021)

Trillium Diagnostik, 19(1), 8-13.

SARS-CoV-2-IgG response is different in COVID-19 outpatients and asymptomatic contact persons

Wellinghausen N., Plonné D., Voss M., Ivanova R., Frodl R., Deininger S. (2020)

J Clin Virol 130:104542

Evaluation of the SARS-CoV-2-IgG response in outpatients by five commercial immunoassays

Wellinghausen N., Voss M., Ivanova R., Deininger S. (2020)

GMS Infect Dis, 16:8

Comparative study of a new commercial recombinant line assay and two immunoassays for detection of SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibodies in PCR-confirmed outpatients

Wellinghausen, N., Ivanova, R., Deininger, S., & Götz, A. (2020).

J Lab Med, doi:

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